brennivin.zipfileutils module

Utilities for working with zip files.


class brennivin.zipfileutils.ZipFile

zipfile.ZipFile with a context manager (2.6 does not have a context manager. Use if your code needs a ZipFile context manager and must run under 2.6.

brennivin.zipfileutils.compare_zip_files(z1, z2)

Compares the contents of two zip files (file paths and crcs).

Returns:None if they are the same.
Raises FileComparisonError:
 If the files are different. Message contains a string summarizing the difference.

Iterates up a directory tree checking at each level if the path exists. If a subpath exists and points to a zipfile, return true

Parameters:filepath – Fully qualified path to a file
brennivin.zipfileutils.write_dir(rootpath, zfile, include=ALL, exclude=NONE, subdir=None)

Zip all files under rootpath to a zip stream. See zip_dir() for arguments.

brennivin.zipfileutils.write_files(fullpaths, zfile, include=ALL, exclude=NONE, subdir=None, rootpath=None)

Zip files to a zip stream. See zip_dir() for arguments.

  • fullpaths – Absolute paths to files to zip.
  • subdir – See zip_dir(). Only valid if rootpath is also specified.
  • rootpath – If provided, paths in the archive will be relative to this. Ie, passing in a branch’s root and the absolute paths to files in the branch would make the paths in the archive be relative to the branch root.
brennivin.zipfileutils.zip_dir(rootdir, outfile, include=ALL, exclude=NONE, subdir=None)

Zip all files under the root directory to a zip file at outfile.

  • outfile – Path to zipfile, or ZipFile stream.
  • include – Include only files that this function returns True for.
  • exclude – Include no files that this function returns True for.
  • subdir – If provided, nest the rootdir under this folder in the archive. For example, zipping the directory spam with the files /spam/eggs/ham.txt and subdir of foo would yield the archive file foo/eggs/ham.txt.